Amazed by the serenity within me.
How at ease I am with it.
Perhaps it was all within expectation. When you see it coming, you'll probably be able to put yourself in better position when it strikes. Or perhaps it was long gone, I'm already beyond this.
It's ironic, to see how certain things have taken a head start, a new life, a re-born and to see how things have come to an end, stalled, damaged beyond repair. Period. They call this the balance of life. These are but phases of life. They will pass. Somewhere, somehow. Some take a while longer, some just a breather. But it will end somehow. Seasons change, feelings fade, priorities shuffle. Nothing last forever. A tinge of grey, but that's how it is. A transition; when things end, something's gotta start. Yet it gets a bit confusing when both happen simultaneously.
I believe there's an expiry date to everything. The day it was given life, it is tagged with a date, a date that it will eventually come to an end. Don't misread, this date can be eternity. To me eternity is an expiry date. More often than not, the tag does not read eternity. Perhaps the only exception is memories. They last forever. And memories are beautiful, only because they are memories. When you lose something in reality, past images and events involving the lost become memories, like your childhood, your lost kin, a lost love. It's beautiful, because you know it will never happen again. If these are not lost, they will not build up into memories and once it's put into reality, it turns sour, it turns ugly. That's how reality is anyway. No what ifs, there should not be any extrapolation from memories. They should be packaged separately, so be it good or bad, they'll be beautiful anyhow. Yet again, expired things can become memories. What a contradiction. I'm going around in circles again.
But no. Because you have expired. Even though memories never.