Savvy savvy
Thanks to Guo Mei Mei (郭美美), my blog has gotten quite a number of hits via the Yahoo Search Engine. Obviously these passers-by ain't here to check on my blog (0r me) but stumbled upon it while searching information of her and the song 老鼠爱大米. And thanks to that fugly (a new word I learnt from a friend, dicepher to your own liking) passport sized photo in i-weekly, I'm once again in touch with friends I have not contacted since years ago. You won't be so naive to believe that we were grabbed from the streets and interviewed, would you?
I don't feel right about rejecting guys when they do not express their feelings explicitly. To be explicit here means to tell the girl he likes her, through words and not actions. I mean what if I tell a guy I don't like him and he tells me I've never said I like you and I never did. So hinting comes across as a good alternative. But some guys just don't get it. I dunno if guys are trying to delude themselves or are they plain insensitive. I've got guy friends telling me that no, guys really don't take hints and while others tell me that they'll automatically back off if they fail to secure a date after a few attempts. The latter would understand that the girl is simply not interested. Ask me out once and I tell you I'm busy, then I'm busy. Ask me out twice and I still tell you I'm busy, then I must be real busy. Ask me out the third time and I still tell you I'm busy, then I'm seriously not interested in you. Ask me out for the forth time and I give you the same reply, look, would you please get off my back! I don't know how guys think. But being friendly to you doesn't mean the girl has taken a liking to you; having a meal with you doesn't mean she's prepared to date you; going to a concert with you doesn't mean she wanna have sex with you. (Ok, that's adapted from Chase). Sometimes I wonder if guys think too much or do they not think at all, which explains why they don't take hints and read too much into a girl's gesture. I'm not trying to flame guys here, though I have to admit many are immature and only capable of making racket. Guys mature later than girls, so probably the time comes when they are in their mid twenties?? God knows how long it'll take. Having said that, there are still many who are mature and reliable lah. Oh you must be thinking that you belong to this group, right?
So perhaps next time, you can try telling the girl straight that you like her. So that the girl can reject you right in your face. That makes the whole job easier, ain't it?
=Antoli, Carrie loves you. So does everyone=