Wandering days
Along the streets of Rockingham

My fellow housemate cum Teochew Clan member ~ Lixuan

Viewing apartment at New Market
~ That's how narrow the stairway is, steep! Barely fit in. Don't say it's cos of me!
~ Low ceiling too! SC can reach it without any effort

@ Hampton Beach ~ the guys insisted on watching some ongoing Miss Hampton Beach.
My homies!! Part of the clan.

me & the PADS ~ they don't sell Whisper here! But something that looks very much like it.
Alright photos up here.
Days In New Hampshire
Leaving for New Hampshire
not all are up yet. In fact alot are not up yet. You know what happened to my cam... and others with my friends. Good news is my bro managed to find my camera receipt in my heap of rubbish and tahdah! with a scanned copy i'll be able to repair it!! Yeah Bro is the man!!
Drove up to boston today, and it's not just Boston! It takes only about an hour to get there but we were heading to South Boston to Ikea to get our stuff. So 2 cars went and I drove down. It's a 2.5 hr drive! Got one of the guys to drive back. Thanks SC! Glad the 7 us got stuff for our rooms except poor SC who didn't have a writing table cos the table top doesnt come in black and he doesnt want white. Can't believe me n lix has the same exact taste! We picked up everything in the same design and colour but luckily we settled for different colour theme in the end otherwsie both our rooms will look identical!

It's a freaking 97 degree ferenheit today! which is 36 degree celsius. Yes the heat wave. It was warm the past couple of days but there was cool breeze. And just 2 days ago it suddenly turned slight cold and windy and we thought Autumn's approaching. But now it's sweat like hell! Great, that's where all my clothes can be "put into action" haha I don't really have many of those clothes for cold finer weather! Tired!! Gonna get the house keys tomorrow and home deco starts!! Can't help but feel excited!!